Is 121 a prime number?

if not explain why and simple cuz im only in 5th grade


  • no, 11 times 11 is 121

    so its a perfect square

  • 11 x 11 = 121 so 121 IS NOT prime.

    11 is a factor of 121

    121 can be divided by 11.

    A prime number can ONLY be divided by itself and 1.

    Some prime numbers are 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , 17, 19 , 23 , 29--------

  • No,because 121 = 11^2 (11 x 11)

  • No. It has a factor of 11. 11*11=121.

    121 is a square number.

  • no, it can be divided by 11. A prime number means it can only be divided by 1 while 121 is not

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    Is 121 a prime number?

    if not explain why and simple cuz im only in 5th grade

  • No, because 121 = 11 x 11. If it was prime, you wouldn't be able to write it as two numbers multiplied together. For example, 17 is prime because you can't write it as two numbers multiplied together.

  • no, it is divisble by 1, 11, 121

  • nope 'cause a prime number is one which can only divide by itself and 1, like 2(divided by 1 =2 and divided by 2=1, can't be divided by anything else)

    121 can be divided by 11=11 so it is not a prime number, hope it helps:D

  • composite = having other factors other than 1 and itself 11*11 is 121 so its factors r 1, 11, 121 therefore, it's composite

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