is a dogue to bordeaux a good family dog?

I love the breed. Though many may think they are ugly.. I think they are beautiful, in their own ugly looking little way, lol. Any breeders of them here? Any advice for me?



  • Dogue de Bordeaux are similar to other mastiff/molosser-type dogs, so please educate yourself on the temperaments and the needs of these large, powerful dogs. They are very loyal and protective, and when properly socialized and discipline can make great family dogs, but you must understand what you're getting into. Also, compared to other mastiff-types, this breed is quite uncommon and thus you'll probably end up paying top dollar just to get one. Read up!

  • A DDB is a great family dog IF the owners are committed to training the dog and the children to live with eachother. Dogues are very tolerant, but can be rambunctious and knock down small children in play, nip, scratch, etc... both parties need to be taught the rules of good behavior. I have one ddb that gets wound up when people talk in a high pitched voice- so my younger daughter has learned to modulate her voice indoors. Another likes to chase things so my kids don't run in the house- it's never out of aggression on anger- it's all in fun, but I have a one year old bit** that weighs 130 lbs so when she plays "tag" someone inevitably gets knocked over and the tears start.

    They are a dominant breed. They need constant socialization over the course of their lives and as much formal obedience training as you have time for and can afford. Go to a responsible breeder who tests hips, hearts, and CERF clears the eyes. Some breeders are starting to do elbows, but the incidence of elbow displaysia in the breed is small by comparison, so not all do it. In addition to this, buy from a breeder active in conformation shows. It shows that they are willing to buy quality stock and hope to produce it as well. You also want a breeder who raises the pups inside with lots of human interaction. Early socialization for this breed is critical.

  • The one piece of advice I will give you is to make sure you invest in a very very well bred pup. They do have major problems and byb's just breeding without knowledge are compounding the problem.

    Do not buy unless sire / dam and grandparents are completely health tested which must include hip / elbow scores and eyes.

    I see so many with big problems that it is just heartbreaking.

  • They can make fantastic pets in the right hands. There are definately not for everyone and a dog shouldnt be bought on looks alone. They are very powerful dogs physically and can be very dominant to the point of dog aggression. They are not as common as other breeds so they are very expensive to buy.

  • I'm not a brreder but I know what you mean. I think they'd be perfect dogs for your family, especially with older children, but they are expensive. Whatever you do find a reutable breeder and have lots of money waiting! lol

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