Nobody is special. Everybody is insignificant. Do you agree?

Who the hell do you think you are. Nobody is special, or important, or significant, or unique. We'll all a bunch of nobodies. You're just another worker ant in the colony. To be honest, you're lower than dirt. You're nothing.

Everybody is the same decomposing organic matter. Realise that you have to nothing to lose. You can do what ever the hell you want. When people realise this then they'll begin to cease being drones in society.

Everybody is going to the gym, visiting tanning salons, getting fancy haircuts, buying health and beauty product after health and beauty product, and shopping for all the latest clothes trends so that they can 'fit in'.

Because we all strive to become a somebody, to be special, to be unique, to be desired, to receive the praise and approval of the same people we shouldn't give a damn about. I laugh at anybody who believes in god. I'm the most powerful person in my life, because I'm the one in control of it, I'm the one who's living it. My own actions have the greatest effect on my life, more so than anybody else's actions.

How far do you agree with my views?


Well Peter, your Zen-master sounds like a hypocrite.


  • I'd say you are more special then the box of golden grahams in my cupboard!

    So that makes you pretty special.

    I love you man!

  • "Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

    Looks like someone has a case of existential nihilism. Don't worry, in several years time your anger at this perceived truth will fade and your sedentary lifestyle will claim your mind as well as your body. This is what it means to be human in the modern age. An age where people derive significance from the micro not the macro. Still, its not all bad, at least we have escapism. Gulp.

    Just remember, the infant mortality rate is always 100% because no one survives infancy.

  • I used to agree with this statement. I thought to myself everybody that I know, everyone in my school is going to get married and get a decent paying job have some kids and live out their life. An average life. Nobody will remember them. Now i realize that it is not how many people remember you. Or if you made lots of money or invented something. It is the people... the people that you touch, the lives that you touch everyday with human interaction. I m not saying everybody lives special lives. It all depends where your values and your connections to happiness and success lie. Live for the sake of betterment, for the sake of making yourself better and better everyday no matter in what way that may be.

  • "Nobody is special".

    Look at the word used there, "special" it implies a unique characteristic. As humans are self-aware organisms we can preconceive goals and act towards them, beyond just out biological mechanisms. Allowing us to diversify neurologically, through experience. The divergence of the neurology and functions of the brain through experience makes the current state of each of our brains "unique". To consider the exact degree of uniqueness of a characteristic requires consideration for the abundance of characteristics. For example, most of the universe is not self-replicating structures, and likely much less involve highly evolved brain organs capable of conceptualizing themselves. What makes us human is certainly unique in and of itself, given the abundance of other characteristics of matter/energy.

    "Everybody is the same decomposing organic matter. Realise that you have to nothing to lose. "

    You have plenty to lose, like the stability, health, and functionality of your organism. Without that you can't even conceptualize the matter that makes you up, in other words "you" wouldn't exist.

    "Everybody is going to the gym, visiting tanning salons, getting fancy haircuts, buying health and beauty product after health and beauty product, and shopping for all the latest clothes trends so that they can 'fit in'."

    Those are just social constructs of the particular people you interact with. Try finding another group of friends if you don't like their activities.

    "I'm the most powerful person in my life, because I'm the one in control of it..."

    Well for a start "god" isn't a person. It's a character in a book. And the context is "your life", so it's obvious that you'd be the one with the most force in its direction.

    "My own actions have the greatest effect on my life, more so than anybody else's actions."

    Not likely, the combined actions of everyone you interact with guide your actions, and have a huge effect on your life, far more than you seem to realize. If you lived in a cave in some undeveloped country, what you consider "your life" would be completely different.

  • People do those things to be happy. People are significant and unique because most people are born with different ways to make themselves and others happy. Einstein was born with a larger IQ so he could positively contribute to the human race. To say Einstein is exactly like every other human being is idiotic, just as we r all different and in some way special.

  • Tyler, stop being so angry at life. You appear to be upset with jaded people. You sound like someone 'special, important or significant' has hurt you. I don't agree with anything you have said. I feel bad because you rant and scream at us all...we can take it, but why do you feel you must do this? We'll help you if you let us. You're not alone, nor are you in control of your life. Not when you are losing your temper this way. Calm down and talk to us.

  • I agree with your views. In a nutshell, Big Bang, fast forward 14 B years and we're organisms on a rock that happens to biologically support us. And we happen to have minds. I'll die and my family will and that's it, really. Everything is temporary. Who gives a ****? It's hard not to give a ****! But really..... everything that happens, is so meaningless. Like really. I'm an Atheist. I'm happy. :)

  • I strongly DISagree. I believe each person is created special and unique, designed by an almighty and holy God. You cannot do whatever you want because things have consequences. I am very saddened by your views.

  • "...My own actions have the greatest effect on my life, more so than anybody else's actions"

    and yet, you must remember....

    you are still an insignificant being, leading a Lowly existence.

    as you've aptly proffered.

  • for one's own well being

    it is essential to see all others

    as essential for ones own full realization

    in terms of realizing ones harmony with self to the whole of being

    indeed such that

    one considers the needs of others before one's own

    of course this works best with mature spiritual discernment

    where one can discern what another might need is rebuke

    but to always forgive when they sincerely repent

    which eventually is what comes about thru the means of possessing one's soul

    ..spiritual patience as the basis of one's spiritual zeal

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