Why do name brands exist?

why do people care about brands?

clothes brand i mean....why dont we just wear clothes and shut up why do we have to know what brand people are wearing?


  • Brand loyalty has always been an important aspect of advertising. If you look at old advertisements, they often use their reputation rather than gimicks.

    Look at this Dodge advert: http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG01/morgan/car_ads/Do... It doesn't mention the quiet ride, the safety features, the speed, the fancy interior or seating. It's all about the brand and being cool.

    For cigs in the 60s: http://xroads.virginia.edu/~UG01/morgan/freespirit... it's all about being cool

    There are hundreds of examples, Cambells soup, Bell Telephone, Sheaffer's pen co, Cadillac...you get the idea. Advertisements were about the status that was associated with the products. Ex: Cadillac cars are associated with high class and luxury, so if you drive a Cadillac, you become associated with those attributes.

    To extend this to modern day, if you wear Burberry, then you are worth money. You're saying that you've got classic style and will pay to reward yourself. If you show up wearing tattered sweat pants, then you're saying, "I don't really care what I look like. Why would I spend money on myself?. Whether you agree with that, it's true.

    Before people get to know you, they have to rely on the clothes you wear and how you present yourself in order to make a judgement about what kind of person you are. It's stupid. Personally, I don't care about brand names, I wear clothes that fit and look nice (even if the occasional one is a brand name).

  • My father didn't copy Levis, but as you are saying - similarly replicated a popular brand. I forget the name of his jeans company but lets call it Bevis 202 opposed to Levis 101. My father's company became very successfull with huge profits, and Levis soon found out. They sued my dads company. FAIL lol. So yeah, be careful, the reason they trademark their name/logo is so that companies like yours dont depreciate their own market share. Matt

  • because people like wearing designer clothes. it makes them feel special and unique. they like to know what they're wearing is a quality piece, that not every other person in the world has. i think designer brands are good things, but i wouldnt buy them everyday.

  • Because they're not comfortable with who they are,and feel the need to be like or better than everyone else.It's that simple!They want to "fit in"and if they don't,they worry about what people will say about them.That's what we call shallow and insecure.

  • because they are quality and people enjoy the way they look better in them

    they are extremely better looking then lothes say from Target..

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