do cats eat...........?

do cats eat birds and hamsters?

my friend said it was a sterotype


  • Cats do catch and kill birds and hamsters. However, they do not always eat them. Sometimes they'll eat some of it or tear it apart, but most of the time a cat will present it to whomever they think is dominant in their family. For example, one of my cats presented my mom a bird and another presented me a fly.

    Still, if you do see them trying to eat a bird or a hamster or another small animal, it is best to try to stop them. Often times, the cat will get gas or stomach problems, especially if they are usually inside and are not used to eating that type of meal.

  • Cats are predators which means that they like to stalk and could harm (or eat) small animals. Cats can be taught, however, to respect other household pets. This means that your cat can be very carefully introduced to other pets. Playtime must always be supervised.

  • Yes they do. Cats will eat many animals smaller than them. When living on a farm, my cats even caught and ate full grown rabbits.

  • pet cats will hunt and kill smaller animals like birds and hampsters, sometimes even ducks or owls! however they rarely actually eat them if they are well fed. u shouldnt let ur cat eat birds or lizards as they can actually get really sick as these animals can be carriers of salmonella and other harmful bacteria. my mates cat nearly died from salmonella poisoning after eating a dead bird, took weeks and weeks for him to get better.

  • Cat's are hunting animals, and will hunt anything that moves.

    My cat has brought home everything from a baby rabbit, to a cricket.

    (I saved the bunny!)

  • The reason they tare apart small animal's is to show there owners respect and that they appreciate you, like a gift, like someone in your family making you a cup of tea or coffee :)

  • They can hunt and kill those animals but they don't always eat them.

  • yes...usually just their top half...not the entire body!

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