can older jack russell dogs do agility?

hi. my jack russell fudge is 9 years old but is still very lively. i was just wondering if it would be to late to start agility

please no rude comments

thanks :)


  • JRTs are smaller dogs, so as long as he is fit and healthy, and you vet okays it, you could start slow. My dog is 9 and still competing. I would also put him on a joint supplement as a preventive. All my agility dogs are on K-9 Glucosamine.

    If you want to compete, a couple venues have a veterans division where older dogs end up jumping pretty low. NADAC, North American Dog Agility Council, is one. They also have classes with very little or no jumping.

    Just use common sense, if he hesitates, or seems sore, back off or stop.

    Have fun!!

  • As long as your dog is fit and healthy, then YOU and your dog can learn agiilty. Remember, agility is not just about the dog, but you too. You and the dog are a team in the sport. It's not all on the dog.

    Find a beginner or foundation agility class in your. Start at and

  • You sound like you're training a pokeman!!!

    Dogs are no different to humans in that respect, some can live to an old age and be quite active, others not so much. You're JRT may well have the physical capabilities but at 9 years it's quite late to train him - I'm not saying don't give it a go, but just don't expect much out of it without a tonne of effort. It's going to be difficult for him to understand what you're trying to teach him.

  • It's sad that you feel you have to post "please no rude comments" is that really what this section has become?

    Either way, it's never too late to start training for agility :)

    You might want to check with your vet first, just to make sure everything is in working order with him.

  • As long as the vet has cleared the dog for that much activity. Have the vet run a blood and heart test to be sure the dog has no hidden problems.

  • Rude comments? What sort of rude comments are you expecting? Old dogs can't learn new tricks is not true. If the dog likes can get any dog to do anything you want.

  • Go for it - as long as your dog is in good enough health, it's probably something both you and he would enjoy!

  • ok but get a vets approval....

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