AC/DC Power Adapter Box making a clicking noise?

My dog chewed through our laptop's power adapter while we were out one day and we patched it up with electrical tape and it was working fine. It has been working up until yesterday afternoon, when the 'charging' and 'plugged in' lights went off and I heard a clicking noise coming from the box on the power supply cord. The only other time I've heard this is from my husband's battery charger for his motorcycle because the wires on his bike were loose and grounding out, making the charger overheat and kick the automatic breakers. Is that what my laptop powercord is doing? And would that be the probable cause of my laptop being dead now, or is it possible that there was a surge or something and something wrong within the laptop is causing the power cord to do this?


  • When ac adapter makes a clicking noise, it indicates something is wrong with the power coming from the outlet. Most likely, this means that when your dog chewed the adapter cord, it damaged the wiring inside, and finally the adapter went out. I would recommend that you also stop using the current adapter and buy a new one that is compatible with your laptop.

    There are many places that sell ac adapters online such as google shopping, amazon, ebay and other stores. In particular, I would recommend buying from because they offer lifetime warranty and free shipping to all adapter at a good price. I think it is worth it to buy from them.

    Best of luck.

  • DO NOT USE IT!!! That is very dangerous to be using it. Unless a good electrician has repaired the cable, then it is ok... But if you guys just duct-taped it, I would beware of a sparking noise, which is what you are hearing... Go to ebay or anywhere and just buy a new one.

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