Do you have Brontophobia-?

Fear of thunder and lightning.


  • No ,I don't ..

  • I love thunder and lightning

    The way your hair stands on end shortly before a ground strike ( if you are unlucky enough to be that close )

    I remember a fact that lightning can ground strike up to 20 miles from the cloud that generated it

    So if you reach 20 while counting you are NOT far away enough

  • Brontophobia sounds more like fear of dinosaurs...brontosaurus and all

    No, I love lightening and thunder.

  • Are you kidding? Now that I am Queen of The Moon, I have the power to control lighting

  • Only if i am on a plane or under a tree

  • I continually attempt and slack off and pass slower, .................oh wait thats prontophobia. i attempt to coach the television off once I see him or right here him, sorry thats barakophobia, hmmmm, pass to the place there is way less frequency of thunderstorms, say .......the arctic!

  • No,I fly in stormy weather.

  • no ive got potophobia check that one out,.

  • oops you made me fart now ive got it

  • yes i hear drums.'

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