Ear problem?

My ears have been feeling clogged lately i have been using q tips and trying to get all the way in to clear the wax but my doctor said stop doing this and i have stopped. however,1 day i woke up i noticed that certain sounds seem to be muffled, especially when things get really loud. kind of like when someone is talking through a metal pipe it sounds a bit distorted. and sometimes sounds are amplified they seem really loud.

i went to an ENT ear nose throat specialist and did basic hearing tests. they said i have no hearing loss, and my ears are normal. they checked in the ear i was afraid i damaged the ear drums but he said the ear drum looks fine. and nofurther testing was needed.

i asked him why do i hear muffled noises he said possibly you have a little dried blood and gave me some ear drops.

he said there was no permanent damage to the ear.

my question is, does this include the ear drum, and all the bones in the ear as well?


Main concern is, can the cochlea or inner ear normally be damaged by q tips or is it mostly the ear drum, and if so, can an ent find out if the ear drum is a little damaged or not? cuz he sounded like he wasnt sure he said you might have caused temporary damage to the ear drum


  • q-tips can't have caused damage to any of your inner ear, without having first broken through your ear drum. Your ENT didn't see your eardrum was broken so you don't need to worry about that. If you'd have damaged your ear bones, the hearing tests would have picked up on that too.

  • Your ear canal ends at the ear "drum", therefore, unless you puncutured your ear drum (Which would be very obvious) you did not damage your inner ear.

    Your clogged feeling is most likely due to allergies or a rise in blood pressure. The best relief for this is aspirin. Use an enteric coated 325 x 2 before bed.

  • you should have asked to have an inner ear test done too =your problem may lay there

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