Late period, two positive test.?

I used the digital test and I got 'pregnant' with both, & I'm about a week late for my period. I probably can't get an appointment until next week, what are my chances that I actually am pregnant? I don't want to get my hopes up to have them crushed.


OH! & I'm asking bc I don't feel different at all.


  • Congrats! There is no chance you're not pregnant!

  • Your definitely pregnant.

    I had a faint faint line on a cheap pregnancy test 2 week's after unprotected sex, but because it was so faint and I done it in the night. I decided to take the Clear Blue digital one the following morning. It said 1-2 week's since conceiving and now I'm 13 week's pregnant.

    Congrats x

  • well, from what I have read if you actually wait until the day your period is due to take a pregnancy test , it is about 99% accurate & since your period is a week late there is no doubt in my mind that your pregnant lol. congrats & good luck!

  • Hi am sure ur Preg dont worry

    Iam 4W 5days Preg

    I had doubt same as u

    I called and said abt +ve thing

    she asked me to have blood work done

    Hcg level came +ve

    u wou;d b perfectly all right

    Dont thing too much n get stress

    All the best

  • YAY!. Congrats!. Go get you some prenatals from walmart and start taking them :) good luck with your pregnancy and GOD BLESS!. <3

  • CONGRATULATIONS!! false positives are very rare.. & 2 false NEVER happen your pregnant !! :D xx

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