Why do cons misquote Obama's parable concerning 'no man is an island'?

He didn't say business owners didn't build their businesses, he said they had help from teachers, banks, federal infrastructure, and so on.

'When you use a bridge to move your products across a river, you didn't build that, your government built it.'

How do neocons take that to mean business owners didn't build their businesses?


  • off the top of my head comes 3 words.... they are....

    Thomas Alva Edison.

    I have a list, each of these inane lame kool aid questions will get one, a fresh one

  • ya and hes saying that we owe them something or that without them we would not be able to achieve anything. that is a very dangerous and communist idea. Let me point something out. The government works for us. And who do you think pays for those roads teacher and government agencies. WE DO. The tax payers. Also did you know that a lot of roads and bridges are built my private businesses not the government? He states quite clearly and frankly that businesses owner are not responsible for their achievements. You can sit there and brown nose him all you want and turn it into something good if you'd like but there really isn't any other way to take it. There was nothing about his speech that could be taken in different ways or confused.

    Plain and simply he said what he did. And you can sit there and try to defend it or make it sound nicer all you want or you can open your eyes to the truth. That is up to you and the world you want to live in. But I can tell you something, he didn't make that speech for no reason. There was a meaning, idea, and strong belief backing up his words. Why else do you think he would bring it up? With your logic there was no point. No real meaning to what he said. But obviously when someone speaks as president in front of their nation they are sending out a message when they do, not just spitting out nonsense. And Obamas message was very clear. Whether or not you want to see it, its there and its not going away.

    Our America is going to change. The ideas and beliefs our founding fathers instilled in this country are being spit on everyday. And this country, the American dream, the right to freedom, and the foundation that this government works for its people, will be replaced by radical communist and socialist ideals.

    wake up. And help this great country uphold the dreams and freedoms we as Americans are so proud of. Wake up. Realize that this path we are on is not the way to freedom and safety.

    (JUDY: I would like to reply to your statement. Are you implying that someone that is poor is unable to start a business of their own and be successful? That if you start of with no money you can only amount to being the stepping stones for richer people? you may think in your own ignorant way you are making a statement and standing up for the poor. But all you have done is insult them and show your obvious ignorance to the world around you. are you also implying that people cannot be self sufficient? My own father owns and runs a telecommunications businesses that he built from the ground up by himself. He did not grow up with money. And he has spent his life struggling and having money stolen from him numerous times. Just because he owns a business that he worked his *** off for his whole entire life, doesn't mean he stepped on people to get where he is. That is what is wrong with you people. you think business owners are evil. Have you ever thought for a second maybe that their are moral hard working honest people that are successful why is that so hard to believe. because you cannot amount to anything? Im not sure where you are coming from. And i dont know why you cant understand the concept that business owners employ hundreds of people. My father employs 500 dominicans. Giving them jobs and health insurance. so now they can support their familys. without his business. there's 500 people without a job. how do you not get that?

  • My grandfather had an 8th grade education and he did pretty well for himself in the end. If you honestly think he wouldn't be angry enough to sh!t bricks in front of a nuclear explosion after what that man said, IN CONTEXT, you're just plain out of your mind.

  • BS. He said if a person is successful, it is not because of their efforts. He has no clue as to where the money came from to build infrastructure and bridges. The government didn't build it because the government got the money from taxpayers - mostly from the small business owners.

  • It has become plainly evident to everyone that the people who keep pushing the misrepresentation of Obama's speech have trouble comprehending the spoken/written word.

    They can listen to the entire speech or read it themselves to see what he actually said and quite a few of them do. The trouble is comprehension. That's why they hate the speech and the man who gave it. After all is said and done, their anger amounts to nothing. No one with a functioning brain is going to change their vote based on the misrepresentation of that line. Sadly, they refuse to move on.

  • Obama lost that one..it's better if you libbies let it go. Every time you remind us, we get angrier at Obama's abject hostility toward small business and employers.

    You seem to be adding things to Obama's mouth to "clarify" his statement.

  • There are many serious literacy issues in Deliverance Country.

  • Since virtually every American has access to the "help of others" to build, why are so many idle instead of rich business owners?

    Difficult to answer without giving credit to the "Individual" isn't it?

  • t just goes to show that they can't think out of the box and have no brain power , parrot what the top parrot says. It was obvious to everyone what he meant except brain dead con.They never want to give credit to any poor person who helped them get their business started. Why is that ? What are they afraid of?

  • They're desperate. They'll say anything to try to tear the President down. They just simply have no scruples at all, and their followers are so filled with irrational rage and hatred from years of manipulative propaganda that they'll believe anything the GOP tells them to believe.

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