Does my 9x9 vinyl tile contain asbestos?

Just bought a house built in 1985. When removing carpet, discovered vinyl tiles glued to he subfloor. Some were in bad shape, so started to remove them. Most didn't come off clean and broke into smaller pieces. Is there a chance that they contain as asbestos? They broke cleanly into pieces, but didn't create a lot of dust or fragments.


  • The tile could have asbestos and the glue holding them down could have asbestos. You need to get both tested. If really 1985 tile, it is doubtful, but that date is no guarantee.

  • it would need to be tested to say with any certainty

    you already removed them so whats done is done - if you're that concerned just wash the room down including the walls and especially any horizontal surfaces where dust would collect - change the wash water frequently and rinse the rag often with clean water - don't vacuum unless you have a hepa filter because the fine particles will just go through the filter and become airborne again

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