Does Nazi Nancy have a clue ?

To what happens to people who tick off the CIA ?


OOps I forgot the link!


  • LOL good one, I do love how u posed your question, seems like it's right on target. And yes I think she forgot that and a lot of things

  • First off, you fail for godwining in your question.

    Secondly, people have ticked off the CIA for years and died of old age. You seem to have a rather cinematic view of the Agency. In reality, it's mostly "freaks and geeks," the techies and area experts who interpret data from a wide variety of sources.

    Hell, I personally drove the CIA station chief in Honduras into a screaming fit once. I'm still here.

  • Of all of our modern day women in politics; I believe that both Pelosi and Palin have set women's respectful influence back. I know that for the most part, our country has intelligence women in politics; just why are these two the face of women in politics.

  • Nope. She's between a rock and a hard place and the prevarication just keeps on happenin'.

  • She is part of the teflon society and is afraid of nothing.

  • she doesn't seem to have received the memo that you aren't suppose to lie to the voters. We don't like that and we KNOW when she's not telling the truth.

  • Nancy is a fraud and should be removed from office

  • This is not an answer but I am laughing... GREAT question!

  • Nancy Reagan has always been clueless, but she would agree with you that nobody else deserved to have an opinion. ∠°)

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