Is Barak Obama correct?

Is Oprah Winfrey (CEO of Harpo Productions) making way too much money?


  • I think Obama said it that CEOs make too much money, and I agree the do.

    Oprah makes way too much money, but she still supports Obama.

  • I would be interested to find out how much Obama charged per hour as a lawyer...more that an ordinary working person makes in 1 week?

    Go figure..its all relative as long as he is not part of the mix.

    He is the educated upper class and does not care for working folk except to flim flam them for his votes.

  • His statement about the stock holders having a say on how much the executives make will come back and bite him on the butt. This is America and as such it's a business persay. He is one of the American executives and I say he should make minimum wage for the rest of his life. He's no better than anyone else.

  • Did anyone actully read the article?

    The gist of it is that Obama is pushing for legislation that would give stock owners a bit more say in how much money their CEOs should be paid, rather than letting corporations flop while CEOs get huge umbrella payments to leave.

    I think that is WAY overdue and only has the potential of making American corporations stronger.

  • There are some serious problems with Obama's thinking.

    The majority of rich people really do work their butts off.

    He is a communist through and through. And when he

    says stuff like this, it reminds me of the logic of a 14 year old who doesn't have the big picture yet.

  • He "mis-spoke" only the white people qualify to pay taxes

    Oprah and Robert L. Johnson BET president they get to pass go and collect $100

  • Her cash is safely tucked away in offshore accounts just like anybody else in that tax bracket. Why doesn't he condem his wifes salary? I thought she worked at a non-profit hospital and it seems to me she's profiting just fine.

  • nah shes black so it's ok. Us redneck white folk been oppressing them too long.We owe it to them.

    in 2006 alone the Obamas daily income avereged

    $2695.41 per day. Wish I made that kind of cash.

  • Wow. Very good question ! I would love to see his reaction to that ! By the way "Obama /Correct=Oxymoron"

  • He's a fraud. He's just trying to garner more votes by making people think he's for the little guy. BS. Absolute BS.

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