Do you think Sarah Palin is pretty ?


oops sorry i posted in the wrong category.


  • Guys, she's asking if you think she's physically attractive, not if you support her. As in, if she was a random person you saw on the street, would you think she was pretty?

    Personally, I think she's average.

  • I fail to see how this is even REMOTELY related to Arts & Humanities, let alone Books & Authors. But, I will still answer.

    She's kinda pretty. I like her hair. :P I know a lot of people critsize it because it's too 'done' or whatever, but I think it's pretty nice.

    I can't say that I think she'll make a good V/P, but kudos to her for trying :)

  • Sarah Palin? Not really. As a Canadian, I find Sarah Palin a terrible person and I do hope you guys don't chose her to lead your country. I'm sick of border disputes.

  • I think she is pretty, but I'm bothered by the vacant expression in her eyes. She reminds me of a really beautiful zombie.

  • I do think she's very pretty for her age - thought that might have more to do with the $150K she uses to dress herself and the $5K she uses on makeup and hair.

  • I wouldn't kick her out of the bed for eating crackers!!

  • In the same way that Jabba the Hutt is pretty, yes...

  • Us slightly older geezers think she is really tasty.

  • Ive seen prettier. Why do you care?

  • r u crazy she is not cool and i dont exactly think she is pretty

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