Why do public people have no consequences?

Scooter leaks classified information outing an undercover agent to outside sources.

Paris gets a DUI and then gets ANOTHER DUI when driving with suspended liscence.

Lohan smashes into a car

Various CEOs ripped people off for MILLIONS upon MILLIONs of dollars and got like 2 yr sentences.

MCI commited the biggest fraud in American history and got no punishment.

Are there no consequences anymore for public figures? All these people got off so goddamn light it makes me wanna puke! Paris served 23 days in jail...23! I knew a guy who did same thing and served 90 days in jail. If that same guy had leaked classified info he would be in jail for life if not executed for treason.

Has anyone else had it with these pukebags?

and yes I am frustrated....just so sick and tired of "Well rules are rules...unless you're famous then they don't matter..go ahead and kill people it's ok because you're a public figure"


rocccj> So we should just accpet it and not even bother trying to fix it. "All men are created equal" evidently the founders meant except famous people. Anyway be that as it may..this is USA where we are all supposed to be accountable to law...the fact that others in world are not is not a valid excuse or even relevant

Update 3:

paradigm_thinker> Are you f'n serious? Clinton was brought up on perjury about getting a bj. Libby had perjury and obstruction of justice in a case of classified info becoming public. Apples and oranges sir, apples and oranges. That is like saying same thing between someone who shot another and someone who set off a nuke in a city....both were assault with deadly weapon and murder

Update 5:

paradigm_thinker> So if illegal is illegal then should jaywalking be punished just as severly as a DUI..both are illegal.

Also FYI Clinton was never charged and found guilty of obstruction of justice. Not saying he did right because he was wrong too (although Bush so far has way outdone Clinton in the lying, etc) but honestly I see no valid comparsion between Clinton and Libby...to me seems like comparing Paris Hilton to Lee Harvey Oswald.


  • Actually Enron committed the biggest fraud, not MCI (though both destroyed many mean old middle-class minions lives). Yes , as the Green Day/John Lennon song goes, 'you are all just fu3k1ng peasants to me'. That is how these people think. Power has corrupted them. But guess what? Nothing will change because they have successfully pulled the wool over the majority of the countries eyes. As long as we can go numb our brains out at happy hour and watch countless hours of meaningless, reality T.V. (reality my @ss!), then we Americans don't care.

    Mark my word, there will be utter chaos in this country within the next 10 years as people awaken from their coma of stupidity.

    I am a good American and would turn in terrorist if I knew of any.... except in this scenario:

    If I heard 2 terrorist stating they had 2 nukes and their targets were Washington D.C. and Hollywood, CA - not only would I not turn them in, I would offer them gas money to get them to their targets! ;-)

    I think I am just kidding, but you never know.........

  • The funny thing about the whole "Libby" case is that you still think it was a "CIA Leak" trial instead of a "Lynch jury over perjury" trial. I notice you left both Clintons off your list...

    Edit: It only stands to reason that if you feel so strongly that Libby was convicted and Pardoned but Fmr President William Jefferson Clinton admitted to the lie after proof but was not convicted at all...keep it in perspective, people.

    Edit:"paradigm_thinker> Are you f'n serious? Clinton was brought up on perjury about getting a bj. Libby had perjury and obstruction of justice in a case of classified info becoming public. Apples and oranges sir, apples and oranges. That is like saying same thing between someone who shot another and someone who set off a nuke in a city....both were assault with deadly weapon and murder" Perjury is perjury. Placing emphasis on the value of one over another lessens the value over-all which is why you have these issues that brought about your question in the first place. The laws should be enforced as written and what he did was commit perjury. What that means to me is that the judicial system has an opportunity to evaluate the severity. If wrong is wrong and perjury is perjury, both were GUILTY, so, yes, I'm F'n serious.

  • Skeletans are in everybody's closet. Most generally those that have skeletans in their closets always get bitten when they go out in public. As for Scooter Libby, the American people should begin a letter writing and calling campaign to demand that the chimp be impeached. We can't make our country law-abiding if our leaders are NOT, now can we?

  • Mr. Libby didn't leak any classified information to anyone. That's a well- established fact. That's not even what he was convicted on. And the conviction wasn't even overturned; he still has to pay the fine and his career is pretty much over at this point. Try learning the facts before making blanket statements next time.

  • its always going to be like that.( money talks) There are the HAVES, and the HAVE NOTS. OJ still walks the streets,and everyone knows he was guilty, but his money and his fame bought him a way out. I agree with you. Unfortunately, this is how it is. If your poor, you dont count.

  • some people get away and others do not and pay the price and this is part of life,it could be a lot worse in other countries,the grass is always greener on the other side until you get their then you can judge for yourself.

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