Mental Toughness Tips PLEASE!?

I have a big hole in myself, and that is fear. I have little mental toughness. I stress over this everyday. And as soon as i get over this, my life will be so much brighter, so please help -

I have very little mental toughness at times. This could be when someone bullies or threatens me, even my smaller brother!, i instantly feel heavier, have a quicker heartbeat and you can just tell your scared. I don't understand why.

I stress over it, it just doesn't feel right. If it's a big thing, i stress over it for days and remain in that heavy state for a long time.

I'm a emotional and kind person. I cry over things easily, as hard as i try to keep my tears in, it does not work.

Yes, i participate im Martial Arts, a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and alot of exprience in Muay Thai. Yet i'm still scared of little things.

I've tried breathing in and out, imagining things , preparing etc.

But it eventually comes back to me very quickly. I lose all my power when im like this. Im scared.


I've haven't tried Full meditation yet, although it does not seem to work. I feel relaxed when i meditate, but when the problem comes over me again, i feel heavy.

And if this is a fight situation, my mind goes blank , i forgot my tatics, and i lose my power. I feel like a twig. Although i KNOW i could finsh the fight very easily, if i wasn't in that state.

Help would be much appreciated

and if i get over this problem, my life

would be so much brighter.


  • You are not going to believe this but I just wrote you a huge thing about what you might have because I had the same thing. To make it short, cause I'm really tired, I'm so so sorry. But what your having is called anxiety attacts.. Tell someone about this because they make medicine for this kind of thing. Don't do this alone, I did for 1 year or more before I saw something on tv that caught my eye and it happened to be all about anxiety attacts and how people that do get them don't even realize they are having them. Try saying what every comes to your mind as you are starting to have them. I used to say anything and everything until I got to my table to take there order (waitress I was) and by the time I got there I wasn't thinking about what they were thinking and just took there order. I would say things like: Flower, the milk is white , I like white the sky is blue blue and the carpet was next thing you know I was standing at there table and not nevouse anymore because I never gave myself time to think about what there thinking of me. Get my drift... I'm not sure this is what is wrong with you but it sure sounds like it to me. Be Strong and You just hang in there. Don't feel all alone in this cause your not. 1 out of every 10 people have this. And you can do this and be strong about it, because you are strong, You just told the whole world about it and are worried about what it might be. Hang in there I hope I could help you a little because I know what it is like to have those things, they are very very scary. I was thirty when I had my first one. I am now 40 and still have them occasionaly but I have learned how to control them with time. Be Safe....

  • I dont know how old you are so im gonna asume 15 or 16. Stress is a part of life. How you handle it is what seperates the men from the boys. Trust me i can relate with you. I was in your shoes at one time, not exactky but very similiar.

    You are a very bright and young intelligent man. The fact that you are in touch with your emotions at a young age is even better for you. You are growing differently. Eat healthy foods and get excersice and plenty of rest, you are fine.

    If you can stand in front of another black belt and fight him says it all. You just wear your emotions and heart on your sleave. Suck it up and stop taking things so serious. As far as your brother love him. He is your only brother and if you just cant handle him teasing you then tell him. Sit down like a young man and tell him. He is your brother he will listen to you. If you explain to him how it makes you feel he will understand, if not just give a good old brotherly beatdown

    good luck

  • Maybe you just need a mild anti-anxiety med. You should talk to a doctor about a chemical imbalance type of thing too. A friend of mine used to be the same way - her reactions sometimes seemed like someone just popped a baloon next to her ear. Its just the automatic 'fight or flight' instinct that is more sensitive than other people. Dont freak yourself out worrying even more about it. Talk to a doctor though. It might even be something as simple as modifying your diet and excersize, sleep, etc. Always know that no matter what that you arent the only one who can get like this. You dont need to harden yourself up, you just need a better way to be able to deal with it. If youre the kind of person whose feelings are more amplified than most, maybe you even get to feel more happiness, love, and passion than most of us do as well...

  • Call the fellow who taught you martial arts. A huge part of martial arts is mental toughness, confidence and poise.

    Don't be afraid to tell him how you feel. So many people take martial arts because they feel EXACTLY the way you do. They hope that by developing powerful skills and interacting with others that they can be mentally tough. Please let him help you. Call today. I just KNOW he would want an opportunity to help you.

  • Don't worry, everybody goes thru that.

    I highly recommend you read The New Toughness Training for Sports by sport pychologist Dr. James E. Loehr. Its a must in toughness training.

    It really help in my training in Dekiti Tirsia Siradas.

  • There is something known as resilience in psychological studies. You should pick up some books and read abt it and perhaps find insight into how some people live after they have faced severe trauma.

  • We all have a big hole in ourselves. Some of us even have more than one.

    Watch the video I linked below. It will help you with your fears and mental toughness. Best Wishes!

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