do opposites attract?

i read a study saying common goals/ interests a must -values a must- but ractions and behaviors should be opposite for long term relationships to last. The personalities must balance eachother out- agree? or no? My hubby and i are opposite and its annoying but we build off of easch other's strengths


  • Common goals are not the same as common interests. A couple's common goals are having kids, sending them to college, buying a house, etc., while their interests may or may not be the same. Completely opposite interests, say, one likes to travel to rural areas but one likes cities mean they may not travel together.

    Values constitute a framework of how the couple and the family operate. They might have inherited these values from their parents. For example, some cultures believe in supporting children through college but some stop at age 18.

    A couple should have compatible personalities, not the same or opposite. Compatibility means compensate for each other's strengths and weaknesses. If they have the same strength all the time, they end up competing. If they have the same weaknesses, there might be no decisions. One party can be primarily responsible for certain tasks but the other party can step up if necessary.

  • I and my husband are very alike in many ways.

    However my parents complete opposites (the only common was a love for fun and each other) my Dad was very outgoing and my Mom is pretty reserved, and they were together for 37 years before he passed away earlier this year.

    In short yes..opposites can attract and work.

  • i think there is not concrete rule on how relationships will prosper. even if they are opposites, if they know how to accept each other, then they don't have to have anything in common to be together. it's all about give and take.

  • Certainly adds a little variety, but too much difference can cause conflict.

  • it attracts but not to the point where u have nothing incommon like one of you hates kids and the other has dreamt of having them all their life

  • They can if both parties respect each other. Otherwise it could be a nightmare.

  • yeah! u fill each other's weaknesses... as long as both of you is willing to admit ur mistakes... and respect each other's opinion...there shouldnt be any problem...

  • In some cases it does and in others it doesn't. It really depends.

  • I've noticed it in most couples I know, yep.

  • opposites attract for me and my fiance!

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