American Idol "Do over"?

Who else thinks they should STOP the show NOW.....bring back all 24.....and just start OVER? Then the true AI fans could rally and fix the damage votefortheworst AND Howard Stern have done.


  • no, i'm not in favor of a do-over. the thing to do now is to rally and vote for the most talented still left and hope that the lesser talents are voted off. out-vote them, thats what it'll take.

  • I heard on the news last night that Howard Stern wants the show to end. The man on the news said that if Sanjaya wins it will ruin it's credibility. People, don't play into his hands. Some immature people are buying into this and there's nothing anyone can do. That's how Taylor won!

  • I do. But I think the damage may be done, permanently. Last year I heard scuttlebutt about taking credit for Taylor Hicks winning. I didn't pay much attention then, but now I know it's probably true. They are going to have to revamp the whole show.

  • I am upset that Chris went home but not that anyone else did. People just need to vote for who they want. I have talked to so many people upset that Sanjaya is still there but when I ask who they voted for they say no one or they say I only voted once for Whoever but that was it. How is anyone else gonna win if people don't vote?

  • i love howard stern! i think its hilarious how everyone keeps voting for sanjay. in all truth, its making a stance. about how pretty much all television programs are all reality based and have the same concept i.e. competition, vote, elimination. the american public is sick of watching this reality crap. every show is the same, i want regular family programing back! maybe it will show more people care about messing up the results than the actual contestants of the show!

  • i agree, just vote like crazy for your favorite and hopefully they will win and idol will win back some of its credibility..

  • i agree they should have the finale now and get it over with... and bring back 24 and house... cause stupid show is ruining my fav shows

  • Just keep going and vote for JORDIN!

  • nah just keep going.


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