How much does a costume designer make?

Can one really make a good living as a costume designer?


  • You can make a living as a costume designer. I know a few people working as designers - it takes a while to get designing, but it is possible. You will have to work as a stitcher in a shop - repairing and creating costumes. Then you move to pattern maker, making patterns and forms. Be ready to do any work around a costume shop.

    As to your question - it depends on the theatre as to how much you make. The last theatre I worked at, the costume intern was making $15/hr as a junior in college doing internship work. That is on the high end of what community theatres pay. In the real world I know some costume designers making $55,000 a year, some making $33,000 for double the work of the 55k. A good portion of designers work freelance, so it all depends on how many gigs you can pick up a year/month/week.

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    How much does a costume designer make?

    Can one really make a good living as a costume designer?

  • Entry level jobs often pay around $500.00 for the entire production; designers may be paid an hourly salary which can vary from about $8.00 to $35.00 per hour in Canada and the U.S., but payment per production is the norm. As a costume designer gains experience, his/her salary increases as well, with an experienced costume designer making up to $20,000.00 for a single production. Top level designers who work in the film industry can make $150,000.00 per production

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