if i do a sytem restore?

i want to do a system resotre to get rid a a virus, if i do a system restre. will i loose things on my desktop?


  • You'll lose your programs that were installed after the restore point, but not the files. The system restore might not wipe out the virus either, but it's worth a shot. The only things you'll lose are programs you installed, not pictures or word documents, etc.

  • Depends what type of "system restore" you are doing. If you do "total system restore", then you WILL lose everything. Your computer will be like how you first bought it. If you do just "system restore", then you are going back to a time, when your computer was working fine. If you do this process then you wont lose any documents. Just updates to you're computer. But windows will automatically re update. But B4 you do so, try downloading free virus removal programs, before you do system restore. Because you can fix the virus without doing restore.

    I would Recommend

    Malwarebytes Antimalware - its quick and easy

    Or go to trendmicro.com, and install a free trial version. It will sweep the virus away, and its a good program.

  • You may lose some of the information that you have on your computer. It also depends on when your computer saved the backup information; if it was a month ago, you will most likely lose the majority of your information. You may want to do a virus scan instead of doing a system restore.

    http://housecall.trendmicro.com/ offers a free online virus scan.

  • your software (including things installed and added to your desktop) will be reset to exactly as they were the date you choose to restore to. This is the way it gets rid of the virus (you reload to a date before you got the virus, and it's like your computer went back in time and the virus never happened).

    any changes to your hardware however (for example, if it damaged part of your computer) will be unchanged.

  • Do not use system restore to eliminate malware.

    Use a good anti malware application such as http://www.malwarebytes.org/

    System restore only recovers limited parts of the operating system and can cause more problems than it solves.

  • No. You (may) lose really recent changes. That's about it. However, doing system restore may not be enough to get rid of he virus. Do you have a virus protection program that will get rid of it? If not, I'd recommend AVG Free.

  • You will only lose programs that are on your desktop that have been installed since your system restore points, you will keep all other files.

  • You will lose everything that was not there on your computer at the restore point. The restore point is the point in time you are going back to.

  • No. Your system will uninstall certain items that were installed, but will not remove documents, pictures, music, and other files. Only programs may be uninstalled. Typically, it's very easy to reverse a restore if it has removed something you need.

  • you will loose everything you put in the computer since your last backup.

    If you do it and never did a backup then it will go back to when you first got the computer.

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