windows vista recovery disk!?!?

i just purchased a new laptop (hp pavilion dv7t), and in the starting manual it's suggests me to create a recovery disk via windows ( HP deosnt give us recovery disks...) so i was wondering if i should spend the time and effort into making a recovery disk through the windows recovery disk function or just simply forget about it. I saw a website that allows me to download a torrent that works as a vista recovery disk ( someting called windows PE?) so the question is should i start making the recovery disk right(and how many disks would i probably need..? i use DVD+R) now or just forget about it and download it somewhere else?


  • I have a compaq (hp brand) and i made recovery disks, if i remember right it took 3 DVDs or 15 CDs

    and i would make them now.

    any questions?

  • Those operating systems on the other two computers are designed specifically for them. So no, you can't just copy. I don't think HP is just going to "GIVE" you a disk. However, if you have to buy a disk, I would just go ahead and buy a new copy of windows7. Since your computer can run Vista, you can definitely run Win7, and win7 is much faster and smother. Then download all the drivers you need from another computer and put them on a separate disk or USB drive. This way you can install all the drivers on you computer with no internet. Although, win7 will probably install most of the drivers automatically for you. Best of luck :)

  • Follow Ryan's advice. You need a recovery disk made only for your own computer, There are certain signatures for everything from code to drivers that only your computer has. Third-party disks will not give you a complete recovery.

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