Do I need to dedicate myself to a certain god/goddess?

I have been studying as an eclectic solitary Wiccan for 2(ish) years, but lately I've had this question kinda nagging in the back of my mind. Do I need to dedicate myself to a certain god/goddess, or could I just worship the two beings? I've been spending more of my time trying to make a difference, at school, outside etc. so I've never really thought about it.

Any thoughts?

Blessed Be


  • Well it depends what you believe I guess.

    I dedicated myself to my lord and lady and the indaviduals that they are (Shena and Hermes). This is because I believe that all of the gods and goddesses are indaviduals not part of a singular version.

    If you believe something diffrent then go with what you believe is right.

  • I am solitary. I honor all but do have certain ones who seem to be around when I needed them, so I spend a little extra attention when it is needed. Most deities will come to you and add their influence if you are meant to accept them.

  • No. In Wicca, you don't "need" to do anything except follow the rules. If you feel drawn to one or two the most, you can, but nothing says you have to.

  • there is only one god dedicate yourself to him or her but don't get into any of the religion crap they tell u loads of bullshit. God doesn't belong to any religion we all belong to him.

  • it is the mormon church that believes solely in gods and goddesses, the jehovah witnesses believe there is more than one god

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