Does paintball hurt?

How bad does getting hit by a paintball hurt? I'm 14 years old, skinny, weak, and have a low pain tolerance and I want to start paintball. What does it feel like, and could I take the pain of it? I can snap myself on the stomach with a rubberband and take the pain, but how does paintball compare to this? Everyone on youtube and my friends all say it hurts really bad, so do you think I could take the pain of it?


  • well, the first time I played paintball I was 15, which was last year, and I was scared. But no, it doesn't hurt. Not unless the person is less than 30 feet away from you, and then it will hurt. But when your adrenaline is running you can't feel a thing. Plus, battle wounds are awesome. And a rubberband to the stomach is how it feels. it doesn't hurt, unless the paintball didn't bust, then you'll bruise. But WOW....Paintball is Awesome...definitely's worth every bruise.

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    Does paintball hurt?

    How bad does getting hit by a paintball hurt? I'm 14 years old, skinny, weak, and have a low pain tolerance and I want to start paintball. What does it feel like, and could I take the pain of it? I can snap myself on the stomach with a rubberband and take the pain, but how does paintball...

  • It stings like a b*tch! But most people can take the pain, you'll probably be able too, i see kids that are 12 shooting paintballs at each other without flinching. Just make sure you wear a proper paintball helmet.

  • well i haven't played in a good while but I don't remember much pain....... I do remember my friends leaving with some red spots on their arms and neck lol i guess if you get shot from far away it don't hurt but if you get shot from a close distance it will hurt. be sure to wear long-sleeve shirts and try to cover you neck and face.

    I have never played at an actual paintball place tho so i don't quite know the exact rules of the game. We used to play at an old abandoned warehouse that had a pretty good field in front of it and i used to go on the rooftop of the building and shot everyone from up there lol .....good times good time!!!

  • I Just Went paintballing today and I Have To Say it does sting for a bit but if your running and having fun u won't care just try not get hit in the thigh or hands have Fun!!

  • On a scale from 1-10 with 10 being the highest I would say about 5 and a half

  • every1 else is pussys. it hurts about as bad as a hornet if u know what that is, if u dont its a rubber band with a little bit of paper wedge thing on it and flung at u, it stings a bit just like paintball and can leave bruises, it can even break skin. when i was like 12 i got shot like 20 times with an automatic paintball gun and it left quite a bit of bruises, and broke the skin about an inch or inch and a half deep.

    but yea it is so fun you dont feel the pain as much as you regularly would if you were geting shot and not

    ...ummmm i went paintballing in the nude once,....its kinda embarrasing.....but..i was wasted lol

  • Well there's only one way to find out right? Why don't you turn the paintball gun around towards yourself and pull the trigger?

    Avoid the face though. Don't be a dumb*ss.

  • i used to play paintball with my kids. typically it really didn't hurt....a slight sting at the most. there were a few times i did end up with bruises though....

  • It doesnt hurt to bad. It really feels like someone through a rock at you pretty hard. Like getting your ears pierced it only hurts for a few seconds, wear you protective gear and you'll be just fine.

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