Drop a dress size?

How can i drop one dress size in just under a month? Is it possible

Anp tips/tricks?

Motivation tips?


  • Yes it is possible, did you watch the program on the woman who lost 4 stone in 30 days! It could be dangerous but if youjust stick at it and don't have any lapses then it is possible.

    You can either have 6 tiny meals a day which some people like or others prefer just 3 small meals a day! But remember to eat all the nutrients you need, carbs, proteins, and even fats in moderation are good for you to! Don't go on any on these fad diets which claim you'll lose weight in 2 weeks, the weight will come off but when the diets over the weight will come back on again- sometimes more! Also don't use diet pills they can be dangerous and also the same thing as before applies (the weight will come back on)

    Then you need to exersize! This is very important, you cannot lose weight without exersize. . .I would suggest about 1-2 hours a day. And remember you only start burning fat after half an hour, otherwise you're just burning glucose.

    Good Luck!

  • The key thing to remember when it comes to losing weight is portion control. It doesn't matter how good for you something is if you eat too much of it. Here's a sample of what may work for you. It is actually a diabetic diet plan, but the great thing about this plan is it is healthy. Not too high in carbs, with healty amounts of protein, fats, etc.

    Total Daily Servings

    5 Carbs (1 carb equals 1 slice of bread, 1/2 cup pasta, 3/4

    cup unsweetened ceral, 1/3 cup cooked beans)

    4 lean meats ( 1oz poultry, pork, beef, 1/4 cup canned tuna,

    1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1 T peanut butter)

    3 vegetables (1/2 cup cooked veggies or veggie juice, 1 cup

    raw veggies. Some veggies have to be

    as carbs, like corn or potatoes)

    3 fruits (1/2 cup fresh, canned (in juice, not syrup), juice,

    1/4 cup dried.)

    2 low fat milk ( 1 cup skim or 1% milk, 8 oz lite yogurt)

    3 healthy fats (1 tsp olive oil, 6 almonds, 1 tsp margarine)

    There are some foods that are considered free and as long as you spread them out, you can have as much as you want. If there is a serving size listed, you should limit your serving of that particular food to 3 per day.

    1 Cup (raw) - Cabbage, green onions, cucumbers,

    radishes, spinach, romaine, celery, mushrooms

    Sugar free jello ( eats as much as you want)

    Dill Pickles (see above)

    mustard (see above)

    Diet pop



    Try to spread your food out for the day, this way you stay full and don't overeat. The above will give you about 1,200 calories each day. Never cut your calories below 1,200. To do so can be harmful. If you find that you're losing weight too fast, simply increase your fruits to 4 servings and throw in an additional lean meat serving.

    If you don't already do it, you need to get physically active. Try to aim for at least 30 minutes - 60 minutes. It doesn't have to be all done at once, 10 - 20 minute intervals can be done. Dance, walk, play a sport, even march in place during comm- ercials while you watch tv. You can even play a sort of drinking game, without the drink, while you watch your favorite shows. Pick a name from the show. I'll use Smallville, for example. Every time someone says Clark, do 10 pushups. If someone says Lex, jog in place for 60 seconds. You get the idea.

    Watch your portions, weigh or measure out your portions, get active, write down what you eat in a food journal, and don't weigh every day, you'll only get frustrated.

    Here's a link, hopefully it will work, where you can get some more help on what a serving of meats, carbs, etc, are.


  • It is definately possible. There is no easy solution though and you have to be committed to yourself. Try exercising for at least half an hour everyday - it doesnt have to be classes or the gym, but you do need to do cardio stuff like walking biking or running.

    You could try cutting out any white products (pasta and bread) and replacing them with wholemeal. Up your intake of vegetables and fruit and make sure you drink plenty of water.

    Also get your head around losing weight and really ask yourself before you eat something whether you really want it or whether you are really hungry. Positive thinking and taking an active part in your weight loss instead of being passive about it really helped me.

    It is also important to not be too hard on yourself whilst at the same time challenging yourself. Sounds hard and it is, but once you start to see the weight come off you will get an instant boost and feel the benefit.

    Good luck and remember that you love yourself more than food!!

  • The fastest way is to take the alkaline liquid diet.

    Fats are nothing more than stored acid. If you continue to take acidic food, even with exercise you cannot get rid of fats. Therefore you must solve the weight problem at the source : eating acidic food. By taking alkaline food, you prevent the intake of acid to create more fats. Besides doing exercise, you must eat only alkaline food.

    Read the book "pH miracle for weight loss". See photos of people losing weight at ease. If you want to loose weight super fast, there is an alkaline liquid diet. According the book, people are loosing 10 pounds or more within the first 8 days. Go to the website below to see which food (and even fruits) that are acidic.

  • Yes of course it is possible and you can easily loose more BUT weight loss is best if carried out gradually over a sustained period of time. Rapid weight loss usually results in rapid gain after the diet finishes. Better to be gradual and as part of a partial lifestyle change i.e. getting into the habit of regular exercise rather than just a fad to quickly loose weight.

  • hi there!

    I am an independent distributor for the world`s leading health and nutrition company HERBALIFE, who specialise in nutrition for weight loss, weight gain, sports, heart health and much more! They have the best weight loss program in the world!! i lost a stone in 4 weeks and my energy levels shot up! The best thing is I didn't have to give up my favourite foods! After an amazing result I never looked back and loved the products so much that I became a distributor for them!! email me if you would like more information.

  • do the Kellogg's challenge

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