Girl responses please?

i took a girl out on Monday. And I texted her this morning: hey (name), I had alot of fun the other day with you. And didn't get a response. Then I talked to somebody she worked with and she told me that the girl had a bad day today. So I'm not sure what to do right now... Help please


  • i say let this girl respond when she is not dealing with other stuff. and if she doesn't respond then this time call her maybe two days from now and ask her out on a second date and say you really looked forward to this 2nd date cuz the 1st was so good, blah blah blah more smooth talk and trust me she will realize that you have actually been thinking about her and shell start to see you differently and then you guys can go from there.

  • Im a guy dude, but giv her one more day. So friday be like hey I heard you had a rough day the other day, how about I take you out for coffee(or any other non-threatening situation) and just chill and get her mind off it. Good Luck!

  • don't worry, she was probably feelin down from some other problem or somethin. just play it slow, ask her how shes doin, and comfort her if something else is troubling her. if it becomes clear that ur the cause of her bad day (which i doubt it), just back off a little and try to improve. hope this helped

  • Give her time. Text her again in a couple of days asking if she wants to do something.

  • Wait a day and then just send a basic "hey hows your day going?" text

  • Just wait.

    She probably doesn't want to be bothered if she's in a bad mood.

    If she doesn't text back by tomorrow, then try again.

  • I agree with ema. She probably doesn't want to get into a conversation with you and take out her bad day on you somehow

  • Just wait till she texts back.. if she doesn't text for a week .. ask her how she's been doing & if everything is ok?

  • i agree with the girl above, and once she begins to talk to you again, you can ask her if she is alright and if she wants to talk about anything. ARE you a good listener? if so listen to her problems and tell her you'll always listen when she needs it the most.

  • you should send her one of those automated text that I sometimes get from a fam. member that say have a great day or something like that, always cheers me up.

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