Why do Cons respect Michelle Bachmann?

Rep. Michele Bachmann is no stranger to outlandish conspiracy theories but she took her theories to a new height with the American Family Assocation's Sandy Rios. Bachmann claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated various department of the U.S. government.

Why do you guys support her? Seriously why? No Conservative or Liberal should support a lying sack of sh*t like this.


@Maryjane: There must be a lot of nut jobs going around if she is continually voted into office.


  • Huh that's weird, I thought you libs claimed that cons hate all women because they refuse to give them special treatment--er, I mean, "equality".

    Stick with your story.

  • I've never taken her seriously but I have in the past found to he nutty, in an appealing sort of a way. But the more she says the more I'm repulsed by her. This latest incident regarding Clinton's aide is simply disgusting. If she has any integrity left she will go on the house floor and apologize.

  • You should know you will never get a good answer on that one from the Con's.

    It doesn't exist, accept some wild azz spin to cover her opinions up.

    She's not an embarrassment to Republicans, she's an embarrassment to every voter on the planet.

  • And you say I make generalizations. Most of us think she's nuts.

    Edit: But you have to remember where you are. YA tends to get a lot of nuts from both sides.

  • It's the same reason why they can't answer this question:


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