Do you ever do prank calls?

Sometimes, I like asking burger king if they sell big macs, they always hang up on me though.


  • Yeah :)

    But it's even more fun to mess with telemarketers. They're less likely to hang up so quickly. D:

  • I've never prank called someone. Lol. But I've been with my cousin when she's done it a few times. She called wal-mart and asked them if they sold toilet paper because she just took a big dooky. And she called my brother one time and asked if he sold purple burger king hats...he was like 'No, you have the wrong number' lmao.

  • Prank calling replaced into much greater relaxing interior the 80's with the old analog strains that took continuously to song. I used to call the Police Station and ask in the event that they smelled writer 1st baron verulam, it replaced into the lolz.

  • sometimes, but only friends. Once this little kid prank called me and said i won a contest and if i would like to collect my money. i knew it was a little kid by the voice though so i hung up. he kept calling back though and it annoyed the hell out of me! so that is why i dont call other people i dont know. but it is so funny when you call a friend that dosent have callar ID and tell her she has to evacuate her house due to a natral disaster coming her way!

  • Sometimes, but I just prank call some friends as a joke.

  • No but I used to because years ago you hardly got caught. Now days ever one has your number but hey maybe I will go to the phone booth by our library and call them all how about ya number ha ha have a good one today

  • No I don't.

    My friend Adam Yacoubi is a really big Michael Jackson fan. He has all of Michael Jackson's songs on his phone. He's a bit of an extreme fan.

  • I used to in junior high. My friends and I would have a lot of fun doing it. We would just call random numbers and use *67 so it would show up as an unknown number.

  • Not so much anymore, but when I was a very lil kid I'd answer and say things like Ppiece Apartment, and Doctor's Office, Doctor's not in! Well I was really little!

  • Yeah, we pranked my teacher and she ended up not giving us homework for a month almost lol.

    And I used to prank Domino's and then ask for Pizza Hut's number.

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