Temporary change room colour?

Hi. My school is currently organising an event. I need to change the classroom colour from its present white to red. It has to be a temporary way of changing the colour.

No paints are allowed.

Are there anyway to use any lightings?

Our budget is around 30 USD.

The present lightings in the classrooms are white fluorescent tubes. There are mirrors on each side of the tube. Two tubes are fitted together and there are around 12 of these fitted in the celings of the class.


  • Do you want to give the "impression" of red, or a solid red wall. Your flourescent idea will cast a red light in the whole room, but won't make the walls red, per se. If you want solid red, the wide rolls of colored kraft paper is probably your best bet.

    If you're going for the "impression" of red, I'd use red flood lights to wash the wall in red light, to create a very cool effect. Use cheap clamp-on spotlights, set low (clamped to desk legs?) and aimed to wash the walls in light. You can get red flood lights, but I'm not sure this would fit in your budget. I'd just use regular floodlights (either get students to bring them in from home, or get a multi-pack at Costco or HomeDepot - it's *much* cheaper than buying individuals), and clip red gel over the lights (you might be able to borrow them from the Theater dept at school).

    If the rooms don't have to be brightly lit, also look at turning off, undoing about half the lights in the room to create mood light to complent the light washed walls.

  • Changing the lighting is costly. But, you can use large pieces of poster board (red) and hot glue them together. This will cover a lot of space and it will be sturdy.

    To make it more sturdy, crease the poster board at the top where the ceiling and walls meet. Staple or, use "teachers tac" on the ceiling as well as the walls. I suggest teachers tac as it holds well and removes easily!

    Have fun!

  • Lights would be too expensive, I think...

    Try contstruction paper and tape. It'll take some work, but construction paper is cheap and student labor is free.

    Hope this helps!

  • how about material.... u can always trying finding some at clearance at fabric stores... u can staple it up there OR use cornstartch & water like paste & then it would come down easidly.

  • Uhmm.. I guess that lighting thingy is too expensive.

    Put some decorations instead.

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