The Clique Series...?

I just bought the last book in the series, Boys R Us, yesterday, and I'm on page 65. I was just wondering what guys thought about you think the series needs to become more developed? With guys...and well, you know what I mean! Don't you think it's a bit PG, and could become more developed. What do you think? I'm a big fan of the series, and I love the books, I just wanted someone elses opinion. Thanks! (:


LOL, I meant to write what "you girls thought about this." Not guys, because I don't think guys read the clique books...


  • Yeah, I guess. But I think the whole point is that they're really NOT that mature, and really not ready for boyfriends and whatever, but they act like they are and think they are. Personally, I think that the series is fun to read, but they are really really poorly written.

  • Hell yes. I hate those preteen books. I like real books about teens with real problems. Not who's wearing what, or who's dating who.

    I call those white girl books

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