Do you wear glasses........?

I should.. and I do have a pair but I never wear them for a vain reason, haha.

I look really bad in glasses xD


  • I only use them in school to read far away. But now that I'm out of school for the summer, I only use them when I go to the movies or watch movies in the living room where the screen is far away. I can still see the movies just fine but I like to have my glasses on so I can see the really little details.

  • I have since I was 17, half a lifetime ago. I can't wear contacts. And on top of that my expensive glasses broke 2 weeks ago and I can't afford a new pair for a while so I'm stuck with glasses from 17 years ago! I look like an owl!

  • Yeah! It annoys me because my glasses always get caught to my hair haha

  • I used to hate being seen in my glasses, but now I actually like them, but they're broken, so I still can't wear them. How do you like them apples??

  • I used to but I wear contacts now.

  • Yes, I'm wearing mine right now.

    I usually wear contacts, though.

  • I used to but now I wear lenses

  • Yes, sometimes.

    I wear contacts more often.

  • Yes : )

    I think I look funny without them now LQL

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