Adopting a rescue puppy?

Im 13 and volunteer at an animal rescue. Well sunday some puppies came in when a guy turned them over saying he was a teacher and used his dogs to breed them and show the birds and bees thing to his kids. He said he didnt find homes and was expecting another litter so he threatened if they didnt take them he would dump them. Well i met two of the 7 and fell in love with one. He was shy and sweet. He fell asleep in my arms and i carriedd him for over 20 minutes. I usually dont want to bring every dog i see home but this one really liked me and happns to be a blend of my two fav breeds, lab and pitbull. My mom of course said no but i want to try to talk about it without her yelling at me. I mean im responsible i have one dog now and take care of him basicly on my own and yes im not saying i can pay for the food. I can pay for general adoption fee of micro chip, fixing and vacinations. Any ideas to getting my mom to say yes to this pup?


  • Continue to beg.

  • Hi Brianna,

    I'm a mum myself, so I'll answer your question from my point of view and personal experience (we allowed our daughter to adopt a cat when she was 7, and we got a dog for our son when he turned 8; managed two pets since then)

    1. Tell your mum: we've got a dog already, so having one more will not make much difference

    2. Make a deal -- say you are willing to take more responsibilities around the house if you are allowed to keep the puppy (do keep your promise)

    3. Show how unhappy you'll be if this pup gets dumped.

    Good luck!

  • Be persistant,when I wanted a rescue puppy I made a prestentation showing what could happen if I didn't adopt the puppy and how I would be saving her.I used a lot of facts and then she said she would consider it and after a week of sucking up and cleaning,my mom said I could if I bought her with my own money!Just be confident when you speak with her and keep your cool!

  • ensure her that this puppy will have a loving home and that you will take complete care of it. That's how I got my cat and Im 14. Just ask occasionally and say the same things.

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