how do you know how strong a naruto battle card is?

i have the instructions from wikianswers but it doesn't tell me how i figure this out


  • when you play the game, you have a system of ninja groups. or "cells". Each cell requires 3 ninja cards, 1 as leader, 2 as support. See how every ninja cards have to sets of x/y numbers? one is horizontal, one is vertical. all ninjas start out in healthy condition, meaning that you use the "x" horizontal digit for the leader, and the "y" horizontal digit for the support ninjas. whenever youget injured (due to the total battle outcome, jutsu, etc.), then you use the aforementioned concept of "x/y", exept you use the vertical set for each injured ninja. whenever a cell fights, you add up the total digits. whoever wins walks away unscathed, while the loser's cell leader becomes injured.

    yeah, this is kinda complicated, but once you actually start playing the game, it'll make a lot more sense.

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