Princess Diana siblings( The Diana concert)?

Princess Diana was the most attractive one of her siblings, I thaught her sisters would be gorgeous but I was quite wrong, they look kinda off homely, I was shocked lol


  • While there is no doubt she was very attractive, actually I don't even think she was that 'good looking' as such.

    She dressed very elegantly, and knew how to use hair styling, makeup and clothing to her advantage. She also trained herself to move with grace, so she always looked stylish. As well, she had a warmth of personality, especially for the very young and people in adverse circumstances, which showed through and made her appear attractive.

    To me, it was a good example of someone not born with 'fashion model' good looks, who nevertheless became a renowned beauty through her own efforts at grooming, deportment and personality.

    It was obviously very important to her, and perhaps her family are more of the typical "huntin', shootin' " types who don't much care about fashion and so on.

    Best wishes :-)

  • Diana would be 46 now, her two sisters are over 50. With all due respect, most women tend to lose some of their "gorgeousness" as they get older and become more homely.

  • Her brother is kind of good looking.

  • well i bet they are better looking than you. snob

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