is my monitor not fas enofe for my video card?

i have and its connected to GTX 570 via DVI-D cable. monitor will show [horizontal lines*] whenever monitor is displaying MOVING HD picture and distorts the image slightly,

* horizontal lines are more like a small disturbances that appear whenever monitor is displayed fast moving image. Not like HD move is playing in full screen but when you take a player and move it around a screen, ore playing a game. it's like a picturesis being overlaid on top of each other, just by one pixel. this happens for a fracture of a second but its very hard on the eyes after a while.


also drop rate stays the same


  • That's known as tearing and it's the result of the framerate not matching up well with the display refresh rate. If there is any option for "vertical sync", then make sure it's enabled.

  • In NVIDIA settings look for checkboxes something like "Sync to VBLANK" which may be in a couple of places (or at least it is in a couple of places in Linux NVIDIA settings). Although, I have had no such problems with GTX 550 Ti connected DVI to HDMI to 1080p HDTV that has 2 ms response time. And the only game I have played lately is minecraft which calculates fps much higher than the 60 Hz refresh rate of my TV.

    If the game you are playing ends up less than 60 fps then you would likely need that Sync to VBLANK enabled.

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