Why are Conservatives against "political correctness"?

We believe in freedom of speech, so we'll never make words illegal, but shouldn't we be more sensitive to people who find certain words offensive?


Liberals don't want censorship either.


  • Being sensitive to the feelings of others used to be called "manners"...... Having "bad manners" or "good manners" told others who you are..... allowed them to avoid people they did not like.... allowed them to see people for their TRUE self....

    Political correctness serves no useful purpose ...... "Political INCORRECTNESS" was practiced for 200 years and served us well..... I have been called a long list of nasty names..... stopped and searched when I did nothing wrong..... denied services without reason..... BUT I AM STILL HERE.... I became stronger....wiser and more capable of dealing with life.

    I want to know when I am dealing with a bigot.....with a racist..... I do not want him hiding behind a plastic smile..... a phony demeanor..... "Sunlight is the best disinfectant".....

    Changing words or superficial behavior does not change reality...... does not make me stronger and more capable of handling the vicissitudes of life

    "Political Correctness" can literally get you killed.....get innocent people killed..... "Political INcorrectness only got the "bad mannered" person hurt

    EXAMPLE of the silliness of "political correctness"....

    In the Vietnam War we had a military maneuver called "Search and Destroy"..... the military felt that title was too "violent".....so they changed it to "Reconnaissance in Force"..... we Still went out ....searched out the enemy and destroyed him .... but it sounded nicer now.....

    SO WHAT?.... so they change the name..... FIRST millions of dollars had to be spent changing all the military manuals..... all of the school POIs..... SECOND ....it changed NOTHING.....we still went out and killed people or people killed us.... "REALITY" was not changed.... we did not make war "NICER"....it just sounded nicer

    The IDIOT that uses the dreaded "N " word is still a racist..... you have not change him....the racist cop who used to stop you for DWB (Driving While Black).....still stops you....he just makes up a better excuse.....YOU CHANGED NOTHING..... Political correctness merely puts lipstick on a pig .... it does nothing good and can get you killed..... it is not a big leap of faith to believe "political correctness" contributed to the three terrorist attacks we have suffered this year.....

  • To often today the truth is not allowed to be spoken because we do not want to offend. The Military shootings this past year were not done by a man who was just upset with his job review. He was a radical Muslim Terrorist. Evidence of this is clear yet the majority of the media simply stopped talking about the story once it became clear that was what he is. The military had some warnings that he was not performing his duties but may people did not inform his supervisors that he was radical because it would be incorrect to do so and when mentioned they were told they were being intolerant. Every man and woman who died that day is dead because of that individuals actions. But if it were not for political correctness he would have been kicked out before the incident happened. Political correctness stopped people from telling the truth about a Radical Muslim who was talking to radical muslin clerics over the web and becoming more and more agitated. This is an unfortunate example of how not speaking the truth can lead to bad things. How exactly do you say in a nice way I think that guy is a radical Muslim who believes in jihad and not be offensive? A radical who believes in killing innocents is offensive no mater what religion they are killing innocents for. Words hurt actions Kill. When we do not tell the truth because it may be offensive and hurt feelings it can allow actions to occur where people can be killed.

    God bless

  • There is a liberal in the Washington state legislature who wants the state to spend approximately $200,000.00 to go through the state records, bills, law books, etc. to change the words "disadvantaged" and "at risk" to "at hope" when referring to certain segments of our population. This at a time when the state has a $2.8 billion deficit.

    That's why I'm against political correctness.

    Most of the time it is asinine to substitute one word, or words, for others. Some people are simply sh*theads, not socially challenged.

    Some people are offended that homosexuals have arrogated the word "gay" to describe their behavior.

    So I say, let them be sensitive, they'll eventually get over it.

  • The best thing you can do is vote out the parties and install independent politicians. My logic for this is that the political parties are already corrupted and controlled by these lobbyist institutions and with Independents in office it is harder for corporations to control the legislation and the politicians will not be able to hide as well as they do

    There are no lefties or righties, just Democrat and Republicans, of course those numbers are shrinking. Independents and other parties are slowly gaining, I figure in 10 years there will only be Independents and minority parities

  • Being PC doesn't help people get along better, it actually makes you more nervous and stranger-like towards people. I'm not saying you should go up and say offensive stuff you don't know to someone, that's not good.

    But maybe learn to relax, joke around, enjoy what's on tv that isn't PC?

    For example, my best friend is mexican. We joke around all the time, he calls me a cracker I call him a beaner and we laugh about it. Keep in mind, this is someone I'd take a bullet for. I'd much rather be like that towards him than like some stranger all nervous. Being PC doesn't help people progress, just keeps people in the same stereotypical mind frames.

  • It seems a little dumb, to bend to other people's hyper-sensitivities.

    Due to political correctness, terms like "black hole" and "in the black" are considered offensive (though being "in the black" is actually a positive thing and being "in the red" is the negative form of that).

  • Because political correctness leads to oversensitivity and censorship.

  • Because Political correctness stifles speech and diversity of thought.

    It is essentially frowning on people for thinking the wrong thoughts.

  • It's only another word for censorship.

  • "Political correctness" just stinks in general. Anyone with a brain would be against it.

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