this is a serious queston?

when a boy likes a girl, could he get "aroused"(erection) by her, even if shes not dressed sexy?


  • dude, i can get an erection without even thinking about it, and im 20.

  • heck, a teen guy can get erect at almost any time of the day or night even without thinking of anyone, or sex or anything. Add an attractive person to the mix, thoughts of sex or touching and an erection is definitely going to happen.

  • Absolutly! Arousal doesn't occur only when you see nudity! If you're attracted to her in a sexual way at all, it will happen. Some things she says could trigger it, or even just the thought of her! Clothes or skin has nothing to do with it really, its how you feel about her that counts.

  • A boy can get aroused by a knot hole in a tree. Ever heard of a spontaneous erection?

  • dude, guys get erections over nothing.

    youve seen what they said, even the wind for goodness sakes lol.

    Yeah its really possiable to get one around the girl you like,

    I did a few times, though not all the time. and only half of those was when I was thinking that I liked her. (and I never though anything sexual about her ither btw, it just got hard)

  • When you're young, a change in the wind can give you an erection.

    Yes, a girl you're attracted to can give you an erection no matter what she's wearing.

  • omg yes lol they get it at any time without warning i once got an erection on stage :S yes very embarresing and at 13 its worse new feelings hormone lvs go up..

  • you're placing your self up for this, why even confer with him?? you're no longer getting alongside and assume a different effect? in case you do no longer want to get harm, then why bypass into the lion's den?

  • Yes,you can. I think it's called love.

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