Biological Father vs Dad?

My dad raised me from a baby to 18 years of age and my biological father was the guy that just came to the door and spent time with me whenever. He didn't meet me until I was 3 years old. My dad will always be MY DAD. So why do I feel like my biological has any power when he really doesn't? He isn't my dad. Just a sperm donor. I was adopted by the way.


  • You're right! He is your sperm donor. Your dad, who is also your father, who is also the man that raised you, is the one that deserves the love & respect of a son. Not to say u shouldn't respect the doner as you should respect any living human being. However, u need to remember that you are grown and he only has whatever power over you that you allow him to have! Nobody not even he can make u feel a certain way. You allow yourself to feel that way. Perhaps writing him a letter telling him how you feel would do some good. Even if you dont give him the letter, you will be surprised how much better you feel after it is written. You dont owe him anything but maybe you also be sure of why he wasn't around much....a lot of times it was not that the doner didn't want more time it was the mother not allowing him the time Women in general are vindictive creatures and they don't realize that as they punish the doner they also 10 fold punish the child. Give him a chance to explain b4 u react.

  • Instict, nature puts importance on our bio parents. Just how it is. Kids that are adopted as babies often feel a great need to find their bio parents. Not Bad, good, right, wrong, just how it is.

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