Do these sentences make sense?

1. A man was arrested in connection with the robbery.

2. A man was arrested concerned with the robbery

3. A man was arrested concerned about the robbery

4. A man was arrested involved in the robbery

5. The police arrested a man in connection with the robbery.

6. The police arrested a man concerned with the robbery.

7. The police arrested a man concerned about the robbery.

8. The police arrested a man involved in the robbery.

9. I'd like to thank all the people concerned.

10. I'd like to thank all the people involved.

11. I'd like to thank all the people in connection with.


  • 1. A man was arrested in connection with the robbery.


    2. A man was arrested concerned with the robbery

    No. Concerned means 'worried about'.

    3. A man was arrested concerned about the robbery

    Wrong. If he was concerned it doesn't mean he did it.

    4. A man was arrested (who was) involved in the robbery


    5. The police arrested a man in connection with the robbery.


    6. The police arrested a man concerned with the robbery.

    Wrong. To be concerned doesn't mean he was guilty.

    7. The police arrested a man concerned about the robbery.

    Again, if he was concerned he was worried about it.

    8. The police arrested a man involved in the robbery.


    9. I'd like to thank all the people concerned.

    Involved is a better word than concerned unless you are thanking them for being worried.

    10. I'd like to thank all the people involved.


    11. I'd like to thank all the people in connection with.

    Correct as long as you qualify by adding extra words such as 'the robbery'.

  • No1 and No5 most familiar in Britain. To say "involved in" says that the man definitely was guilty; until the court case the guilt has not been proved. The police and the news media never state guilt definitely before the court case resulting in a "guilty" verdict.

    9 and 10 are both good, possibly 10 is better. No 11 makes no sense.

  • 1, 5 and 10 are best Standard English.

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