Do you think Ron Paul is a serious candidate?


  • In his own mind, I think he is.

    Reality hasn't sunk in yet.

  • People will be surprised at Tampa, even many of Romney's so called bound delegates are Paul supporters. Tampa will show just how much support Paul really has. Paul is the number 1 nominee in this race not Romney, I dont give a **** what these bias media outlets that were bought out a long time ago say.

  • He is the only serious candidate that is not just another tax and spend politician looking to get paid to feed the multinational corporate, war , oil , and insurance machine

  • Yes; The only reason people don't like him is because the mainstream media ruined his image.

  • He is serious, but the press does not take him seriously.

  • Yeah. But the media doesn't take him seriously

  • Not for the US Presidency.

  • That's not for you or I to decide.

    The networks will do that for us.

  • He`s WAY behind,so no.

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