Has anybody used "Diabetes America" as a doctor?

We are looking for a new doctor (DFW area) and I came across this place on the web but I can't find out much about them. Has anyone heard of them or used them?



  • I've not used them, but I examined their website.

    They SEEM to be "on track", doing the right things the right way. I particularly like the fact that they have on-staff educator and nutritionists -- a BIG help.

    My only fear is that they put too much emphasis on insulin pumps. Unfortunately, many patients feel that once they get a pump then the lifestyle restrictions are no longer necessary, so the diabetes gets WORSE instead of better. If the training for pump use is proper, they will STILL insists that the patient maintain STRICT control over their diet.

    All in all, If your insurance plans covers them, I'd say give them a try.

  • Sounds good and since you are in the area they service give them a try.

    Much better than my one doctor and no other diabetic resources in a 300 mile radius! And she is a Family Practitioner.

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