Teens, do you wear glasses/ contacts?

Im suppose to but i dont

do you wear them


  • i dont. but i have several friends and family members who do. it seems like everyone my age has glasses but wont wear them unless theyre at home with no one worth looking good for there lol and they all wear contacts when they have to go out. and everyone older than like forty i know who needs glasses just wears glasses lol

    if you just need them to read, wear them when you have to see words.

    if you need them to see i suggest wearing them if your like practically blind or something lol

  • Try to take some preventative measures if you haven't already. + Eat more food containing Vitamin A (like carrots) or take Vitamin A supplements. Vitamin A strengthens your eyes. + Cut down on screen time, like less Facebook/TV/etc a day + Don't read in the dark or on a car + Always read in a well lit place + When you write, maintain an upright posture. (Some people look like they're passed out on the desk when they do, thats not the example you want to follow.) As for the glasses situation, no. They don't automatically make everyone look dorky. Some types of glasses - like framed & rectangular, or the huge kinds of wayfarer style ones that are traditionally dorky, can look fashionable and cute. Idk what your allowance is but I had a nice pair of glasses from D&G, and now I use a really hot pair from Fendi. If your vision continues to get worse then yeah you'll get really thick glasses. I know someone's dad with -1000 degrees and he has the thickest glasses ever. You should take the measures listed above and maybe consider laser surgery (optimum results if you're max -500 degrees). Good luck!

  • I have both contacts and glasses. I wear my contacts when i go out, but on the days I stay at home, like today, I wear my glasses. I have to wear them because I have terrible vision.

  • I wear contacts, generally speaking, quite religiously. They can be a hassle, especially when I get tired or my eyes get dry, but they look nice. Whenever I don't feel like wearing contacts, I wear my glasses (like right now). I could function without my glasses/contacts, but when I don't wear them, I get migraines from eye strain.

  • I wear contacts but I wear glasses if I feel lazy.

    I do wear them, I have to. I'm basically blind without them haha

  • I wear both, I usually wear my glasses if I'm staying home or if I'm too tired to wear my contacts. I have to wear them because otherwise I'm practically blind >.<

  • I wear glasses, but I want contacts.

  • Yes, I wear glasses!

  • I wear contacts.

  • I have a pair of glasses that I use for seeing in the distance (back of classroom - blackboard distance). I usually don't wear them if not necessary.

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