Why instrumental music worship is a sin?

where in the Bible does it say that?

I thought some one from Bible actually used a musical instrument to worship ?

i am so confused.


  • Church of Christ is one denomination that does not typically use music in worship, but I don't know that they go as far as labeling it a true sin (I grew up Church of Christ and though frowned upon I never really got the impression bringing a guitar to church would send you to hell or anything).

    Here's a description of why, though, from one Church of Christ website:


    We do use music, but we don’t use musical instruments to accompany our singing. While many of our friends in other churches (even some Churches of Christ) use instruments, most of our congregations don’t for several simple reasons.

    Early Christianity included two groups of people: Jews with a background of instrumental music (see Psalm 150) and pagan Gentiles who also worshipped with musical instruments. Yet when the church was established in about 33 A.D., those early Christians worshipped without such instruments.

    According to Dr. F.W Mattox, a scholar of early church history, musical instruments weren’t used until the fifth century, and organ music didn’t become part of Christian worship until the eighth century. Even today the majority of Christian groups worldwide still sing without instruments, or acappella (literally meaning of the chapel or in the way of the church.)

    So it seems logical, considering our goal of restoring a New Testament type Christian worship, that acappella singing would fit that model. Besides, the only musical instrument God ever created is the human voice; man created all the rest. Perhaps the purest form of musical worship on earth is found in human voices.

    So, in short, they're trying to get back to the early church practices, which didn't involve instruments because it made the services too similar to the pagan and pre-Christian Jewish services they were trying to break away from.

  • You thought correctly. Throughout the Bible it is taught to worship Him with song, and instruments. There are some denominations that teach that and it always confused me when I was younger..Remember, God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33.

  • To help you deal with the confusion, it should be the worship of any other than God is sin. Worship through music and with use of a musical instrument is not sin.

  • The Bible doesn't indicate anywhere that musical instruments are sinful. I think it's one of the Psalms that states "Praise Him with the loud trumpets, praise Him with the psaltery and harp."

  • people can sing in public, yet quietly to themself. As i will sing mentally or joyfully in my spirit whereever i'm. yet while that is interior the mall as is the point of the mall at Christmas time or for entertainment applications, then that is not any longer incorrect to sing Christian songs. Or to have a christian track taking part in on your automobile, etc. however the antichrists accessible'll boost a stink loudly. i be responsive to they hate Christian songs.

  • Only if the instrument is being played by a horrible pop singer like Justin Bieber.

  • some denominations teach this, but it's clearly contradicted in the bible. even angels play music!

  • If your pastor says it's a sin, than it's a sin. He is GOD to you. Unless you're a married woman, in which case, ask your husband.

  • I don't believe it is. My church has a worship band ( our Praise Team).

  • of course! harps, lyre's and flutes were always used.

    Why do you think it's a sin???

    You praise with whatever you got!

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