Do conservatives consider Pres. Obama the anti-christ?

If so, is it because you consider him a Muslim?


  • Jerry Falwell, before he died, made a public statement that he believed the Antichrist was alive today, but also that he believed that the Bible said he would be a Jew.

    So, let's see, President Obama is...

    A Jew.

    A Muslim.

    A believer in Black Liberationist Theology.

    And a Marxist, therefore a Communist, therefore an atheist.

    I'm old enough to remember when a hallmark of conservatism was consistency: Pick a single lie (or a single delusion) and go with it. Not anymore, apparently. Then again, the last time we had a Democratic President, these people said, "Hillary Clinton is a lesbian! And she had affairs with Vince Foster and Webb Hubbell!" They're deranged.

  • the anti-christ left office last year..

    being 'effective' doesn't necessarily mean that a president has to continually search for reasons or non-reasons to start unwinnable wars, or to outright Lie about the 'reasons' in the first place. Being effective doesn't mean grinning up in the face of a Saudi prince and taking his hand and acting prissy prissy with the prince even as the so-called 911 actor came from that country.

    Being 'effective' means making crucial decisions for the betterment of those on the domestic front, rather than minding the business of people In other countries because of greed, and the quest for power and control over others considered weak, and Inferior~~~

    Indeed Parts of America are indeed 'welfare' states. After all, we do not occupy the Entire "Americas' now do we.

    We find Canada to the North and Central and South America to the South.

    We are but a small parcel of land after all.

  • All i understand with regard to the Anti-Christ is that he's defined as rather youthful and fairly charismatic, no longer precisely characteristics attributed to McCain. he's likewise meant to be a military genius and and have not have been given any pastime in women human beings which does not sound like Obama the two

  • Obama is an atheist. He is a fellow traveler who has appointed two of his close friends, both communists to key positions. Ham and Mark Lloyd, both communists. Check it out on the net, Obama fraternizes with Communist. Birds of a feather.

  • Only neo-Nazi scumbag reactionaries indulge that particular insanity.

    Theologists mostly reject the whole concept, by the way...the legitimate ones, not the hacks. Revelation is very fanciful.

  • President Barack Hussein Obama is not the Antichrist or Muslim he is a socialist taking us in the wrong direction.

  • just the crazy ones. And I think almost everyone knows obama is not a muslim.

  • Although I don't care one bit about what they think, yes, most think that of him and that he's a Muslim. But we all know, out of sheer desperation and delusions, people like that will say anything. He's also putting old people into "death camps" according to them. You forgot about that one.

  • First off, the anti-Christ won't be Muslim because the Jews will accept him as THEIR Messiah.

    Second, the anti-christ will rule a one world government.

    We are no where near that stage yet.

    People like Obama however, are taking us in that direction.

  • No I consider Dear Leader Obama a person who's gotten in way over his head and just won't admit it.

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