Dog names for a black labrador?

I have a black labrador. It is yet hardly two months old and I have his name as Xavier. Any better suggestions or Ideas? I am just asking whether the name suits him or not. If so, which one suits him better?


  • I like Xavier. Does he know this name yet? If he already responds to it, it might be a bad idea to change his name now. It might confuse him.

    Xavier--Bright, new house. Derived from the Basque place name Etxabier meaning "the new house". Saint Francis Xavier was the Jesuit priest who popularized the name. He was a missionary to India, Japan, China, and other areas in eastern Asia. He is the patron saint of the Orient and missionaries.

  • My beautiful black lab who passed away on July 6, 2007 was named Thunder. My neighbor had his brother and they named him Lightning. Your name of Xavier is cool.

  • Black Face

  • Daisy 4 a girl and Jake for a boy

  • Cody










    Jaxelor(my friends black lab




  • It's bad luck to change an animals name. Xavier is fine. If you're like me you'll nick name him anyway.

    For instance my cat's name is Stubbie. I call her anything from bubbers, boog, stubababub........depending on our moods.

  • For the two black labs I had growing up, one was named Toby and the other Buddy.

  • i like Max,Jack,chum,and Jake. indexed right here are different names: undergo Sam Ben Benjamin George hearth Buster Charlie Cody It relies upon on the character of the canines you %.,%. the main suitable call for him.

  • Wait a few days for him to settle down and wait for his true personality to come through, then name him off that. or name him after a physical feature, or a skill. for example if he digs a lot, call him digger. if hes fast call him turbo.

  • stick with Xavier. it's unique. there are way too many dogs called "Buddy".

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