Will Comcast ever consider a "no data cap plan"?
It has come to my attention that Comcast has done away with its 250GB plan and will be hoping to introduce a 300GB plan with overcharge fees if a user goes over their limit.
I am very disappointed in this as I could see a great effect for one of these 2 ideologies...
1.They could throttle the users instead of charging them the supposed $10 for 50 more GBs
2.They could have a time period of the day where you have "high-internet traffic" much like roll-over minutes.
250GBs is ridiculous considering the fact that my whole family uses about 200GB of it streaming HI-DEF Blu-ray movies all the time. Not only that,but we download GB after GB of legal video games on the computers,playstations, and xboxs.
This sounds like a good class action lawsuit. Prepare yourself Comcast.
Well, unless consumers protest a lot, all these providers will do what they want. Their argument will be that "normal" usage should not exceed their caps. However, newer service like streaming video on demand (like Netflix) creates a large usage. ISPs are just not ready for this "freedom" of information on the internet. They want someone to pay...
For "normal" web surfing, youtube and game downloads, 250Gb or 300GB is what you may call "reasonable". The gotcha is the streaming video issues, competing with cable Tv or satellite Tv services. Since those services are losing out to internet streaming, someone has to pay the "difference". These vendors (satellite, cable and internet) are usually all owned by the same multi-nationals, so what they lose on one end, they want to make up on the other end ($$$ that is...)
Hard to do a class action with a service provider if you wish to use their service. The only option is to find a ISp that has better terms. A class action would have to prove that all ISPs are in it together, all setting the same limits or standard service fees. While I agree with you, it will be very hard to prove without some government intervention...