Can pets sense pregnancy?

I am 14 weeks pregnant and I have a 7 dogs in the house where I live. Two (3yr old) Pit Bulls, 4 (8 wk old) pit puppies and a 1.5 yr old Pit / Rottweiler and a dog that lives in the backyard a 4 year old German Sheppard / Rottweiler. Well, ever since I got pregnant the female 3 yr old Pit has been a little bit more protective over me, when someone comes in she has always growled but now she makes sure she doesn't stay no more then 3 feet away from me. The male 3 yr old Pit just likes to lay his head on my stomach and lay with me (hes almost as big as me!) The puppies if they sleep with me they love to sleep next to or on my stomach. The Shepard is usually a very mean dog but since I got pregnant he hasn't been AS mean. The 1.5 yr old Pit / Rot / German Shepard really doesn't pay much attention but then again 8 weeks ago she just had puppies of her own. Can dogs sense pregnancy?


  • When I was pregnant both my dogs and my horses acted different. My horses acted up with me all the time. N my dogs began following me everywhere, usually they did their own thing but once I got pregnant I'd I even got up to pee they sat by the door.

  • Most animals and young children can sense human feelings. And there's rumors that they can also sense supernatural the topic...,but it's not weird to feel that your pet knows ur pregnant. If your pet isn't blind, they probably see your "STOMACHE" enlarging every month. Your dog gave birth recently?, well, she witnessed being pregnant so she "enlarged" as well. Dogs aren't always as stupid as people see them to be!!! So yes dogs and other mammal pets can sense pregnancy if they witnessed being pregnant.

  • Yes they can. Change in your hormones, behaviors, moods, etc. They can pick up on the suttle changes and react to it! Make sure you don't hold any female rabbits, you'll kill them, because your pregnant! Not quiet sure why but I've seen it happen four diffenert time!!!!!

  • Dogs have advanced senses and they probably sense the heart beat and chemical changes in your body.

  • What they sense is a change in your body chemistry and body language.

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