Buenos Aires, Argentina project!! HELP!?

Please help! I need to know what type of non-alcoholic, american drinks do they drink in Argentina? I have to go buy it by tomorrow.. Please help. if you know a website that lists american drinks for argentina. that would help too.. please, please help. thanx!


  • There are no too many sodas, But some of then are the same than in USA and are made for the same companies down there, Coca-Cola, Pepsi , Sprite, 7-up, Crush, Mountain Dew, Gatorade are available at any grocery store.

    Cofee, tee and a local infusion called Mate or Yeba Mate

  • that's through fact Buenos Aires isn't placed on the sea. there's a waterfront (port) section referred to as Puerto Madero that has some upscale motels. interior reach coastline lodges contain Pinamar (approximately 2 hundred miles south) or Colonia Del Sacramento, Uruguay, that's a short ferry journey from Buenos Aires.

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