Who is a Carolina Hurricanes fan?

Have you ever been to a game?

What do you think of the stadium, the way everything is organized and set up?


  • I am a carolina Hurricanes fan. Consider me as a caniac. My walls in my room are cover with stuff of carolina. I love going to the games. And when they score a goal, everybody jumps to their feet and then Rick Flare comes on the jumbtron, And everybody goes"WOO WOO WOOO"

    It is a very nice stadium. Very clean. It is nothing like a football game or a baseball game. Its better.

  • I really want to go to a game, but I'm in college about 9 hours away and with little money, so I get the feeling that's going to put a damper on things a bit.

    And on the topic of the artificial fans, cut the expansion team some slack would ya? Give it a few more years, it will eventaully take hold, especially coming off a lockout and the fact that games are shown on some obscure cable network I had never heard of until I finally stumbled across a hockey game. Besides, there aer several uniforms I find MUCH uglier than the Hurricanes. Washington and Dallas for example.

  • I am, yes I have been to a game. I think the stadium is great, not only does not house the Hurricanes, but it is also the home gym for my favorite college basketball team, NC State. I thought everything well organized and set up. GO CANES!!

  • I am from Montréal, so you can imagine my opinion on this one. You guys have just been REALLY lucky in the playoffs, we where the closest team to be able to eliminate you. All season long your arena was almost empty and then by luck you won the Stanley Cup and you had a party in the parking lot of the RBC Center ...wow.

    It is true that the uniform is damn ugly, I've seen much better in the juniors not to mention that stupid logo that looks like the front of a Tide soap laundry box! I would have better respect for the Hartford Whalers a place with real hockey fans!

  • It must be set up real well. because for a team to win the stanley cup it has to b a rock solid organization from the bottom up. And I do mean from the very bottom; from parking lot attendants to ticket takers , scouts , coaches and of course the players themselves. They succeeded in winning : therefore SOLID ORGANIZATION!

  • Jim Rutherford

  • Why is this question asked like every other day? What is the point? Now it's my turn...Who here is a Buffalo Sabres fan and thinks the Hurricanes are going to get whooped on October 4th?


  • I used to like the Whalers, do you know who they are? But I don't like the Hurricanes, they have the ugliest jerseys and logo in the league, did they hire marketing people from the minor leagues? Enjoy your cup, you might be an Eastern Conference contender again, but the days of repeating are gone.

  • Wow. I didn't actually think they had any fans.

    I figured they became popular with their run to the cup; and I figure after they crumble and fall this upcoming season all the "die-hards" will have... died hard.

    Hockey hot-bed of Carolina... Nope just doesn't sounds right.

  • Not it! I am and always have been a Sabres fan! If your team hadn't beaten the Sabres half to death so that half the team was on the injured reserver, they would have gone to the finals, not your whiny team!

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