POLL: Gay Marriage: Yes; No?

Would Gay Marriage be exceptional to you??

Poll: Yes; No?


  • Why not, heteros have destroyed the entire meaning in my view.

  • Yes. In this sad world, we should celebrate two people will to commit to loving each other for life, not condemn it.

    Gay marriage should be as ordinary as any other marriage.

    Either that, or eliminate all marriage as a legal thing and have only civil unions, like they do in Europe.

  • I myself am not as you said 'gay'

    I don't really agree with it,

    But I believe that everyone has a right to do with their lives as they see fit, good, bad, or indifferent,

    and this is America, and many things happen/happend here one of them is freedom,

    so yes, I think it should be allowed, because we are a free society, and it is someone elses life, not mine to control..

  • No I have lots of Gay friends but I think marriage should be between a Man and a Woman call me conservative but at least I believe in something

  • no.

    according to the constitution, congress shall pass no law regarding the establishment of religion. Marriage is A RELIGIOUS CEREMONY. for congress to allow marriage to hetro couples is against that.

    however, congress gives tax benefits to married couples for the sole purpose of giving incentive to bring in new citizens. they make it cheaper for married couples to make the decision to raise children, some a homosexual couple can not do. there is no purpose for gays to be married other than the title, even if the government seperated the religion and legal components of marriage. it would be up to the church to decide whether homosexuals could marry and because homosexuals can not produce children they would not be eligible for the tax incentives. people do not see this aspect and think conservatives only oppose because of religious reasons.

    If we legalized gay marriage we would also have to take in other potential candidates for marriage rights such as: pedophiles, animal lovers, polygamists, people who want to marry nature or inatimate objects, group marriages, forced marriage, posthumous marriage. the list goes on and on.

  • No! God made man , then he saw that he was lonely, and God took a rib from the man and created a woman. I know that lots of people don't believe in God. But as for Me, I know there is a god. If a man,tries to marry another man, to God that is the biggest sin one can commit against Him. This is called an ABOMINATION. That is the worst Sin committed against "The Lord". and as the Bible states "hate the sin not the sinner", we are not to hate gay people. We are to love them, it is not for us to Judge anyone. It doesn't matter what they did. Jesus said that revenge it his, and only his.

    So, No,it is not good for man to marry another man, or a woman to marry another woman. I have heard the some animals do this, but we are not animals. We're suppose to have brains. Sometimes we don't use them. Who gave us those brains? God!!! Amen.

  • Against it both for secular and religious reasons — http://www.jimfeeney.org/againstgaymarriage.html

  • 'exceptional'?? It would be 'equal under the law'. I am for it, yes. I would be for 'civil unions' as well if they were recognized across state lines. Since they are not, I can't support them as 'equal'...as that isn't equal.

  • Sure, no problem. Any adults who want to marry should be allowed to do so.

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